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  • Jan Noland

Local Ministry Opportunity - Gospel Rescue Mission

Mac Cov has been providing an average of 50 boxes of breakfast cereal on a monthly basis to Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission (YCGRM) since this ministry started in May 2017. Thank you for your ongoing support to help feed our homeless neighbors.

Mac Cov has been a YCGRM ministry partner since their doors first opened in 2004. Since that time, it has evolved from a cold weather shelter, providing only night-time shelter and a meal, to a full-fledged 24/7 mission with the goal of helping guests return to independent living. During this Advent season, we give thanks and praise for God’s faithfulness and your partnership in helping YCGRM continue its vision and mission to serve the homeless of Yamhill County. Here are some highlights of where they are today.

  • The main drug/alcohol free Mission facility (original building) continues to provide housing, food and support services for 17 guests. Women and children are given priority for housing in this facility.

  • The Shelter (building donated by the McMinnville School District) opened November 19 to house up to 35 individuals during winter months. An evening meal, bed, showers, laundry, and breakfast are provided.

  • During non-inclement weather, the Shelter is open on Tuesday and Wednesday from 5 pm to 9 am to provide food, shelter, laundry and showers for those living on the streets.

  • The Mission is now ready to begin work on a long-held vision of constructing a separate men-only facility. This facility will be located on adjacent property to the Mission facility. Women and children will remain in the original Mission facility.

  • Financial support of the Mission has allowed additional shift staff to be added. This allows a staff person to be on duty most of the time, which is helpful for volunteers.

The Mission hopes to provide a Walmart or Winco gift card to all guests. This allows guests to purchase items they need. All donations and gifts are tax-deductible. In-kind receipts are available for non-cash donations.

We thank all of you who have been donating cereal and encourage those of you who haven’t to donate a box of cereal on the first Sunday of each month; collection bins are outside the sanctuary doors.

The Mission can always use additional volunteers, especially now that the Shelter is open. Shelter volunteer hours are typically from 5 – 9 pm. To volunteer, or for more information, contact YCGRM at 503-472-9766, or email Kaye Sawyer at and she will find a volunteer match for you.

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