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  • Anna Carlson, Children's Ministries Director

Kids Corner: Forgiveness

FORGIVENESS: deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn’t have to pay.

Recently in Club 45, we read the story of the Prodigal (Lost) Son. We read this story as the third in a succession of stories

With the third story in the series, the students realized there are additional layers in that story—that Jesus had more to reveal to the Pharisees. The son in this case chose to leave (becoming lost) and returned in such a different state-of-mind that he was willing to become a servant at his father’s house. We noted how the father is filled with compassion and forgiveness for his son who returns home. The students responded to the story by identifying that God loves everyone and celebrates when people are “found” and have faith in God. God has compassion on our lostness in this world. God loves us and celebrates when we respond in active faith. This month we’ll explore forgiveness and what it means to be the forgiver and what it means to be forgiven. This is a character trait that has lifelong impact.

Memory Verse: “Put up with one another. Forgive one another if you are holding something against someone. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you.” – Colossians 3:13

Weekly Bottom Lines: God forgives you; Everyone needs to be forgiven, even me; When you don’t forgive, you miss out; Since God forgave you, you should forgive others.

Questions to Discuss: Can you recall a time you’ve forgiven someone? What have you needed forgiveness for? Have you been forgiven for something that you didn’t feel you deserved to be forgiven for? How did that affect you?

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