CREATIVITY: imagining what you could do because you are made in God’s image.
I’ve never really considered myself to be a creative person. So when I see creative works or thinking, I am in awe of people’s minds and the many different expressions of creativity seen through unique ideas, art, decorating, problem solving, ingenuity, or technology. Creativity comes in so many forms, and when there is the freedom or room to cultivate creativity we witness imaginative expressions! It’s amazing.
Let’s get real, though. In faith, we know creativity comes of, in, and through the Creator, God. My awe deepens with this reminder because God’s creativity is all around in Creation. Creativity in the diversity of people, terrain, plants and flowers, animals, trees, weather, and how God’s creativity is seen in human-made developments and responses to situations. Such as, a person who exposes a fresh idea to you articulately or an artist’s original sculpture...they are creative instruments made by God. Whether or not they believe their skills represent the creativity of God, they are made in the image of God and have skills made by the creativity of our Creator. We don’t usually realize that our uniqueness, our imagination, stems from the Creator.
We’ll be exploring this topic about our imagination, creativity, and innovation which comes from God this summer in Super Church. God made people, and everything, with creativity with the intention of Creation knowing its Originator and being in relationship with the Creator. This creativity is made to develop God’s kingdom here on earth. In my awe, I praise God for all this originality! And I ask God to guide me in where to develop and use what creativity God did make in me. I pray this for all of us so that we are living out God’s creativity with love for God’s kingdom. I encourage you to pause and reflect for a moment: where do you see God’s creativity in you, your family, and your friends today? And how are you sharing God’s creativity that is within you to build God’s kingdom on earth?! I encourage you to pray with God and share it with someone close for encouragement and accountability. Praise your God the Creator!
Memory Verse: “How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that.” (NIrV) –Psalm 139:14
Weekly Bottom Lines: God made everything; God made you; God made you to imagine; God made you to know God.
Questions for discussion: Where do you see God’s creativity in you? Where do you see it in others around you? How can you give gratitude to God for God’s Creativity? How are you developing and sharing God’s creativity in you to build God’s kingdom here on earth?