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  • Anna Carlson, Children's Ministries Director

Kids Corner: Determination

DETERMINATION: deciding it’s worth it to finish what you started

Reflect on the verse, Psalm 31:24, this month: “Be strong, all you who put your hope in the Lord. Never give up.” This verse reminds me of how God’s reconciling the world through us. Throughout the Bible, God does not promise that we will be kept safe from weariness, suffering, or difficult situations. This is one of the reasons why we need to be reconciled! The Bible reveals to us that these things are inevitable – that we will experience hardship. In other words, the Bible tells me hard things will happen and you can do them because God is with you. This comforts me because though really crappy things happen there is hope through Jesus’ resurrection, which reminds us that God – even when silent – is present.

Something I repeat with my kids is “we can do hard things” because learning is usually pretty difficult. Think about all that kids learn in a day: math, reading, science, social studies, music and art, physical education, sports, team work, standing up for yourself, getting along with others, listening – that’s a lot in any given day. And learning doesn't end—I;m still learning each day! When I pause to reflect on this I realize no wonder my kids seem tired and cranky at night. It’s a lot to hold together. Developing determination in us is not only something that can help us run a race hard or complete a project. Determination is pushing through when we are weary, when we are struggling, or when we are not sure how to respond to a certain situation. Determination is a gift the Holy Spirit gives us to push through life day to day or even minute to minute. With the Spirt of God, may you be strong and not give up no matter what you are dealing with because you have hope through Jesus that God has redeemed you and continues to redeem you.

Memory Verse: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” – Galatians 6:9

Weekly Bottom Lines: Keep going even when it gets hard; Keep going even when the job is bigger than you think; God gives you what you need to keep going; Keep going because God knows the end of the story.

Questions to discuss: What is something you want or need to do that is easy for you? What is something you want or need to do that is hard for you? How do you push yourself through to accomplish what needs to be done? Parents: what is something you quit as a child that you wish you had not quit after all?

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